What: Dryland Ski Training Camp hosted by XCNL.
Where: Gros Morne (North side).
Who: Open to all skiers ages 12 and older, as of Dec 31 2022, who are members of a registered CCNL club.
-Start Time: Friday Oct 07, 7:00PM.
-End Time: Sunday Oct 10, 12:00 NOON.
Fee: 50$ / athlete.
Register at < https://zone4.ca/register.asp?id=29881 >.
For accommodations:
-On your own.
-Billets can be arranged on request.
*** Coaches have booked The Blue Moose Vacation Home for team socials and Thanksgiving supper. It is directly adjacent to (and owned by) Ocean Atlantic Cottages (pet friendly), 458-8286. Also other options in Neddies Harbour / Norris Point / Rocky Harbour area. ***
For transport:
-Each family/group is responsible for getting the athletes to the workout locations at the workout time.
For meals:
-Coaches and volunteer parents will cook Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday evening.
-Otherwise, each family/group is responsible for the remaining meals during the camp.
-Please eat supper before the first workout on Friday.
For workouts:
The tentative workout schedule is below. We will update the plan after every workout based on weather, logistics and other considerations. If you miss a workout, call or text me at 746-6436 for an update.
Friday, Oct 07:
-1900-2100: Meeting at Norris Point Playground. Run, strength workout, and field games. Bring a headlamp.
Saturday Oct 08:
-1000-1230: Meeting at Parking Lot near Berry Hill Campground 3. Rollerski technique (beginner) or intensity (advanced) session.
-1500-1630: Meeting in the parking lot of the (former/future) Gros Morne Visitor Center. Ski striding session.
-Evening: team social at The Blue Moose Vacation Home. Board games and snacks.
Sunday Oct 09:
-1000-1130: Meeting at The Blue Moose & Ocean Atlantic Cottages. Rollerski technique (beginner) or adventure (advanced) session.
-1330-1700: Meeting at Gros Morne Mountain Trail Parking Lot. Run & hike (full) or hike (partial) Gros Morne Mountain.
-Evening: team Thanksgiving supper and social at The Blue Moose Vacation Home. (parent cooking assistance requested). Board games.
Monday Oct 10:
-1000-1200: Meeting at Parking Lot near Berry Hill Campground 3. Rollerski time trial race. Cooldown hike.
Workout meeting locations:
-The Blue Moose & Ocean Atlantic Cottages < https://goo.gl/maps/8Sb33nX8EMSjbfqv7 >.
-Norris Point Playground < https://goo.gl/maps/x85S94563PZAQTj86 >.
-Parking Lot near Berry Hill Campground 3 < https://goo.gl/maps/q43yurnbo99nkk3v7 >.
-(former/future) Gros Morne Visitor Center < https://goo.gl/maps/c4SEQugKXFqt1svz9 >.
-Gros Morne Mountain Trail Parking Lot < https://goo.gl/maps/XMF6esmQViTqA6XH8 >.
Things to bring:
- Skate rollerskis (or rollerblades if need be).
- Skate boots.
- Skate poles (ideally with rollerski tips).
- (optional) higher level skiers can bring classic rollerskis, boots, and poles.
- Helmet.
- Beginner rollerskiers should consider knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards.
- Ski striding poles (elbow height).
- (Trail) running shoes. 2nd pair if you want (i.e.: a dry pair if the first gets soaked).
- Regular shoes.
- Headlamp.
- Yoga mat / picnic blanket.
- Water bottle+bottle holder / backpack or waterbelt or some means of carrying water.
- Sunscreen.
- Sun glasses.
- Toiletries.
- Workout and casual clothing for all weather conditions.
- Including bright/reflective clothing for rollerskiing.
- Be able to layer clothing for different temperatures / sunny-rain conditions.
- Optional volleyballs, frisbees, balls, etc …
- Snacks.
Don’t forget to register at < https://zone4.ca/register.asp?id=29881 >.